Post 5: Changes to my study program
Well, in these three years in that I have been studying social work, there only thing that I didnt like me, I consider that the two first years to degree are very academic and very focuced in a common plan in social scients. With this i dont want say that sociology, psicology and antropology should be eliminated to the program of social work in the University, but in my opinion I believe that, in secod yeard we should have subjects relacionated with social work. Maybe i would remodel the program. I think in maybe we need have a kind of practice in secod year, but maybe is very fast have a practice in second year. I like the practice done in third year, the problem is the academic charge, sometimes is complicated study and go to the practice, and add to that i work the weekends. Jumping to other topic, the leangth of the degree is very long. Social work has lenght of five years in University of Chile. The last year, the fifth, only for a subjetc called degree ...