
Post 5: Changes to my study program

  Well, in these three years in that I have been studying social work,   there only thing that I didnt like me, I consider that the two first years to degree are very academic and   very focuced in a common plan in social scients. With this i dont want say that sociology, psicology and antropology should be eliminated to the program of social work in the University, but in my opinion I believe that, in secod yeard we should have   subjects relacionated with social work. Maybe i would remodel the program. I think in maybe we need have a kind of practice in secod year, but maybe is very fast have a practice in second year. I like the practice done in third year, the problem is the academic charge, sometimes is complicated study and go to the practice, and add to that i work the weekends. Jumping to other topic, the leangth of the degree is very long. Social work has lenght of five years in University of Chile. The last year, the fifth, only for a subjetc called degree ...

Post 4 : Time travel to the past or future

If i had choose option, i choose travel to the past. I dont have greats expectatives for the future, i am pesimist with the climate change, and these things the teacher said on her bloog, like natural disasters or lack of water etc. But if i could travel to the past, i would travel to the jurassic, only for see the flora and fauna of that time. See the dinosaurs or....a completely different fauna, i imagine a giant fauna, I remember an episode of the Simpsons when Homero travels to the past, to the Jurassic era, that's how I imagine it.  However at the time it must have been difficult survive, maybe in any other times would be difficult survive for me, i dont imagine in other times without the technologys of today, the comfort of this time, i need a lot of technology for survive and not have them can be dificult. I wouldnt stay there for a long time, because doubt if i can survive with dinosaurs or with other wilds animal of this era.  Another options, maybe can be the old egi...

Post3: My Future

When i decided to study social work, i had think work in some ministry in the future, like ministry of social development and family. But would be my "final lap" in my professional career. I would like begin in others place like fundations or towns (i dont know if this word is correct to translate "municipalidad") and work contributing in the field work. Apart from this, in my opinion work in field give me   experiences and knowledge that will help me in the future. I believe....I would like to work in the field, but from which I talked with social workers, this is exhausting, due to topics that social work approach. That's why, in my opinion, with the over time i would like work in a oficce or a job that contributes to society in another way, different from work in the field. Therefore, in the future i would study again, maybe one magister or something related to public politic. My objetive is contribute to the design and application of politic related with...

My best holidays

  One of my best vacations were this holidays. Me and two my best Friends, Ignacio and Matias, we went to Antuco, this is a town of biobio's region. In this town we went to different places, rivers, forests and hills. We went for one week, but in this time we use our time very well. My friends in "Rucue" river's We spoken a lot of topics, but mainly about our lives.   In the year we dint have time to speak and used this vacation for that. My two friends study and work during the year and me too, sometimes is dificult for us meeting. I have family in this place, so we stayed to sleep in their house. In the nighs we played game cards and domino while we talked and drink, sometimes we dint drink, but ate lot of junk food, like hot dogs and fries. We thought travel to antuco this winter, the place liked it us, and in there season is more fun because, there are tours to the volcan antuco and it is snow, it look beutiful in photos. Volcan Antuco in winter season

Post 1 : A country you'd like to visit

Well, if i had the opportunity to visit another country my choice i think could be New Zealand. The main reasons are the visa work holidays, i would like to work in this country, the conditions are better than chile, the salaries is better. Another reason is that, I have the opportunity to know this country for a long time, 12 months. Also this visa is not hard to get, at the time of applying I must have a passport and credit card, I don't need a test like TOEFL. However, a lot of people apply, and there is the risk of i dont get it. Traveling to New Zealand also gives the opportunity to practice English, although a friend told me that, the pronunciation is a little bit difference and in this country have a lot of Latin people speaking Speanish. One problem to visit other country for a long time, coul be i will miss my dog and my family, but mainly my dog, i love him too much.